

(Eng.ver is below)

Hello. How was your first day on April? Today, I’m leaving Japan to Tanzania! Finally my days as a medical missionary get started.. (definitely it is not a April-fool-joke :-P )
 I set my blog to report you my days in Tanzania. Please check it out when you remember me.
Last Sunday we joined the Sending Mass in our church. We’re glad to see many friends we share time at church, at work and in the training period were gathering to blessus and pray for our mission. And my husband is together with me. I appreciate him most for it.
For first 3 months, we will learn Swahili in intensive course. I hope we can build our basic ability to live and work in Tanzania during this period. We’re not sure what will happen in future, but we want to keep relaxed and to trust in Lord who had guided us so far from Japan to Tanzania.

I will report you again when I get internet connection. Please keep in touched!

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